In-Person Immersion Week
YOU are your child’s most important advocate.
At a Spellers Method Immersion Week, our goal is to grow the expert in you, by teaching you the information and honing your intuition so that you feel confident leading your child’s communication journey.
Who It’s For
Parents, Primary Caregivers,
and their Speller

2 comprehensive assessments & written reports on your child that address communication through spelling, ocular motor, and intentional moto
7 private spelling sessions for your family with a practitioner
9 hours of classroom instruction for parents, with accompanying manual
Daily intentional motor dyad sessions and one large group session on the final day
Daily Events
Kick off Social
Local Fluent Speller Panel Q&A
Parent instruction & discussion
Private Spelling Assessment
Private Ocular Motor Assessment
Private Intentional Motor Assessment
Local Fluent Speller Panel Q&A
Parent instruction & discussion
Private spelling sessions 1&2
Intentional Motor dyad session
Parent instruction & discussion
Private spelling sessions 3&4
Intentional Motor dyad session
Parent instruction & discussion
Private spelling sessions 5&6
Intentional Motor dyad session
Parent instruction & discussion
Private spelling sessions 7
Intentional Motor final group session
Wrap up Q&A
You will leave the week with expert insight into your child’s sensory-motor profile, a firm understanding of the why and how of intentional motor and Spellers Method, and a community of parents and practitioners that will support you in your continuing journey.
Upcoming Immersion Programs
We are excited to announce our next Immersion Week in Atlanta, GA, starting on Sunday, February 23rd, 2025!
Email us today for more information: atlanta@spellers.com
Future Immersion Dates:
San Diego - July 2025
San Diego - Fall 2025